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St. Nicolaas Kerk

A one minute walk from the Centraal Station lies the Sint Nicolaaskerk, one of the better known churches in Amsterdam. Dedicated to the patron saint of the sailors, the church was completed in 1887 and it became the leading Catholic Church in the city, replacing a number of Amsterdam's secret churches from the era of the Alteration. During the Alteration the city council was overtaken by Protestants and the Catholics lost their Sint Nicolaaskerk (the present-day Oude Kerk) and were officially forbidden from holding religious services in public. They were forced to gather in shelters or in secret homes. That period lasted from 1578 until about 1795, when finally the Catholics were allowed to build churches again. The architect, A.C. Bleys designed the church using a combination of styles of which neo-Renaissance and neo-Baroque are the most notable. The basilica has the shape of a cross with a nave, two aisles and a single transept. The facade has two imposing towers with a rose window in between. The interior is richly decorated and very beautiful. Catholic services are still performed here.
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