In the eastern part of park, which is the
Colorado Desert, the most widespread plant is the creosote bush
but in a few areas you'll be able to see the cholla cactus. The Cholla
Cactus Garden is one of these areas where the chollas dominate the
landscape due to favorable goundwater conditions. A 1/4 mile loop
trail winds through the patches of chollas. You can pick up an
instructional leaflet near the entrance ($0.25 donation suggested).
You are instructed not to touch the cacti (and I'm sure a lot of
people try to hug them) which look fuzzy and inviting - their common
name is teddy bear cholla - but they can surely sting. The leaftlet
talks about plants and animals of the desert. One interesting and
well-adapted little fellow is the desert wood rat which makes its
home among the cholla cactus joints.